In pursuit of Truth™, I let the raging horse of my curiosity pull my life.

Discovering and documenting life itself, I don’t write in a “niche.”

My articles mostly revolve around — self-improvement, spirituality, fitness, lifestyle design, productivity, life lessons, and books.

When I’m not writing, you’ll find me punching bags, meditating, climbing rocks, pumping iron, reading, or musing the meaning of life.

Hyperlinks to easily navigate my writing, products, & more:

Work 1-On-1 With Me - if my writing inspires you, my 1:1 coaching/consultation might just prove mind-rewiring and life-changing.

The 2-Minute Bullet Journal - Get more done, stay focused, and grow happier - in only 2 minutes a day.

My "Pillar" Articles - Comprehensive value-packed articles that could be mini-books.

The Articles Closest To My Heart - not as "viral" but soulful nonetheless.

✦ Stay In Touch - my Twitter and LinkedIn DMs are always open to you. You can also shoot me an email.

Medium member since October 2020
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Neeramitra Reddy