Wow this was something I really needed. I was going through an internal conflict torn between what I wanted to write and what I needed to write to earn more money.
I see writers with glib vague generic articles ridden with grammatical mistakes aimed at the average reader gain a lot of traction which makes me think of going that route but I don't want to com[romise quality.
I pour a lot of time and effort into each one of my pieces - a lot of research, reformatting, rereading and editing etc. so it's disheartening when they don't do well.
I love writing personal essays with some profound takeaway for my readers and deep informative articles but both of these don't seem to gain traction while simple listicles do.
When I take a step back think, I started writing on this platform because I loved writing and not to earn money.
With all these articles on write everyday, write consistently, pick your niche etc. I had grown doubtful but thanks to you I shall continue to write when I feel like it and what I want to.
Thanks a lot for this! Keep writing!