This is an excellent article and I can vouch for almost everything you have said.
I am a fitness enthusiast and someone that trains for strength and aesthetics primarily.
I workout using a six day Push Pull Legs split and spend around 2 hours each day.
Compound lifts like weighted pullups, deadlifts, squats, OHP, bench press, barbell rows, RDLs etc. form the meat of my workout routine.
For Natural lifters, focusing on progressively overloading the compound lifts will yield the best results.
What you have written is an excellent plan to maintain and even possibly build muscle in the shortest time possible.
But for people looking to seriously add on slabs of muscle, hit every muscle group twice a week and make sure to get in enough volume. Add isolations after the compound movements.
Workout programs like PHUL, Reddit PPL, Metalcadpa PPL, etc. are excellent programs for intermediate lifters.