Thanks for quoting me Malkey. I'm no finance expert but I do understand the inner workings of crypto and am a crypto enthusiast.
It's not about BTC, it's about crypto in general. I more WANT it to succeed given the merits and potential applications than think it will.
It's a bet and every single dollar I've put into crypto is one I'm totally willing to lose. And Im in it for the long game - 8 to 10 years at the very least.
Also, you CANNOT stay invested in something you don't understand. You NEED to understand what you're investing in.
Also, a crash is inevitable. The drive up in price was due to hype and what goes up by hype comes down as quickly as well.
But after that is a potential bull market, a long one for sure. Its not BTC though but rather ADA and ETH that I'm counting on. Let's see. As I said, win or lose, I'm backing the technology