So the gist is, if you truly were an atheist and don't believe in a higher power, you would limit yourself to the material world and sensual enjoyment.
Because that's the logical conclusion - as Jordan Peterson says, most self-claimed atheists are actually people of faith. It's their actions that show their belief.
Science at its core is only correlation. In fact, if you've noticed, we're generalizing more and more. This is the path of science - towards perfection.
But by the very nature of logic, we can never reach (or even know) true causation. The moment you conclude, "This is the first cause", the rational question, "What caused it?" comes forth.
As to the proof that God is helpful and does not exist, no man goes, "Believing in God is helpful so I'll choose to do the same".
The great men that believed in God did it not out of choice but out of conviction and "realization".
As an atheist (and by extension Nihilist), suicide is the best logical option. Because viewed through a mortal and.
What's holding you back from the logically supreme option? What's it that's driving you towards greatness? What's it that makes you want to avoid sensual please for something "greater"? What is the innermost driver of meaning that all humans possess?
It's to these questions that God is an answer. And God doesn't mean a blue-skinned man of legends or the idol that sits in temples, God just means THE entity that is all.
God is neither knowable nor within the reaches of knowledge. He's only realizable.
So you could say, God means "What cannot be known by the human mind"
In fact, your actions already show that you're on the path of God. Only a matter of time before you understand that what we both believe in is essentially God.
We've only given it different names. And contrary to popular belief, science isn't opposed to God but an effort to uncover the same albeit in a different manner.
No wonder most of the greatest scientists (Albert Einstein, Pascal, Schrodinger, Leibneiz, Galileo, Maxwell, Newton, Descartes etc.) all believed or rather "knew" the existence of God.
As to your point that most believe in God and atheists stand apart from the crowd. It's actually the opposite.
Among the masses are either fanatics (blind believers without conviction) or false believers ("hoping" God exists for selfish reasons).
The people that actually believe or know the existence of God are rarer than the Atheists - maybe 0.0001% of the population or even lesser in today's day and age.