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InPublishousbyNeeramitra ReddyHow to Block Pornographic Content on All Your (Kids’) Devices PermanentlyAndroid or iOS, Mac or Windows — this tamper-proof + multi-layer + step-by-step blocking guide covers it allApr 3, 20249Apr 3, 20249
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InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyHow to Actually Achieve More in A Day than Most Normally Do in A WeekA comprehensive and actionable step by step guideAug 27, 202120Aug 27, 202120
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyA Comprehensive Guide to Optimize Your Mac(Book) for Peak ProductivityPlus alternatives and workarounds for WindowsSep 15, 20227Sep 15, 20227
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyThe 6 Daily Habits That Help Me Maintain a Visible Six-Pack Year RoundMy maintenance habits keep me fit WITHOUT dieting, cardio, or ab exercisesJun 15, 202129Jun 15, 202129
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyHow To Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time: A Detailed AnalysisThe diet and exercise self-experiments—based on research findings—that helped me accomplish body recompositionApr 6, 20218Apr 6, 20218
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyHow to Effectively Work Out to Build Muscle at HomeDon’t wait for the gyms to reopen: a bar to hang from, a sturdy bag, resistance bands, and some creativity are all you needDec 2, 20207Dec 2, 20207
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyThe Skinny-Fat Guy’s Guide to Building an Incredibly Aesthetic PhysiqueA comprehensive no b.s. step-by-step guideDec 7, 20217Dec 7, 20217
InBetter HumansbyNeeramitra ReddyA Young Man’s Comprehensive Guide to All-Round Self-ImprovementDon’t just change. REINVENT yourself and your lifeJul 12, 202213Jul 12, 202213