Appreciate you being empathetic and objective! Let me try to clarify things:
- I'm using the term "girl" because the females I'm referring to are all young (18 to 21). I could use "young woman" but that wouldn't sound good contextually.
- I USED to admire Rollo. I've since learned a lot better and disagree with a lot of the Red Pill ideas.
- When I use "my girl" or "his girl", it's an affectionate way of referring. Does "my girlfriend" or "my fiance" imply property? No, right. "My girl" is the same.
- My current gf often refers to me as "her man" and I love it. I call her "my girl" and she loves it. Nothing about property or possession here. Only affection.
Hope this clears things. Thanks for reading and responding!